Signs You Need to See an Ears Nose and Throat Doctor

Several signs tell people that they need to see ear nose and throat doctors. These include:

  1. Persistent earache or ear pain: This can be due to an ear infection, fluid in the ear, or a foreign object stuck in the ear.
  2. Difficulty hearing or changes in hearing: It can be caused by hearing loss or an ear infection.
  3. Persistent congestion, sinus pressure, or difficulty breathing through the nose: This can signify a sinus infection, allergies, or nasal obstruction.
  4. Persistent sore throat or hoarseness: It can be a sign of a sore throat, laryngitis, or a throat infection.
  5. Swelling in the neck or lymph nodes: This can signify an infection in the body.
  6. Persistent or recurrent nosebleeds: It can be a sign of dry air, allergies, or a more serious underlying condition.
  7. Changes in your sense of smell or taste: This can be due to an infection