When Was the Last Time That You Updated Your Health Insurance Plan?

When Was the Last Time That You Updated Your Health Insurance Plan?

Every. Single. Night.
Even with your 14 year old, you still struggle to get them to bed and to stay in bed.
You tell them they get five minutes minimum and 15 minutes maximum to chat about their day. And while talking to your three children makes this the best time of the day, you still struggle when an animated conversation is keeping them from getting the kind of rest that they need.
You started this habit when they were little and now they just know it is going to happen. You talk about their highs and lows at that time too, and even when they are mad at me for some previous interaction then you just lay in silence for a minimum of five minutes before giving them a final goodnight. You know that these transitions will be more difficult to follow when your children become older teens with part time jobs and more study and athletic practice sessions, but for now you are clinging to the moments that you still have.
Planning for the Future Is Parenting at Its Best

Why You Absolutely Need A Health Insurance Plan

Why You Absolutely Need A Health Insurance Plan

Any way you slice it, health insurance is an absolute must-have. It isn’t cheap, but when you need medical testing done or when you get sick or when you need prescriptions filled, you need health insurance to keep those things affordable.

There’s little doubt that lack of heath coverage is also a growing problem in the United States, though steps like implementation of the Affordable Care Act have been taken to expand the marketplace and allow more Americans to have access to health care.

You may think to yourself, ‘I don’t get sick. I don’t need insurance.’ Even if you have the world’s strongest immune system, you’re taking a huge risk by not having health insurance. Why? For starters, there are serious health and monetary risks you really shouldn’t gamble on.

Without insurance, there can be serious hits to your wallet. When you get sick with even the most common things like a cold or chicken pox or a yearly physical, you’ll be paying out of your own pocket if you