Every. Single. Night.
Even with your 14 year old, you still struggle to get them to bed and to stay in bed.
You tell them they get five minutes minimum and 15 minutes maximum to chat about their day. And while talking to your three children makes this the best time of the day, you still struggle when an animated conversation is keeping them from getting the kind of rest that they need.
You started this habit when they were little and now they just know it is going to happen. You talk about their highs and lows at that time too, and even when they are mad at me for some previous interaction then you just lay in silence for a minimum of five minutes before giving them a final goodnight. You know that these transitions will be more difficult to follow when your children become older teens with part time jobs and more study and athletic practice sessions, but for now you are clinging to the moments that you still have.
Planning for the Future Is Parenting at Its Best
Whether you are planning how to help your children get the best night’s sleep or you are helping them develop healthy eating habits, parenting is an around the clock job. And if you want to be the best at this job then you need to take the time to not only react to the events of the day, but also plan for the future. Just as parenting is a combination of detain with the highs and lows of the day while at the same time preparing for what is next, so, too, are many of the other things that adults have to tackle. Healthcare is one example of when taking the time to plan for the future can help you deal with the everyday challenges of life.
Consider these facts and figures about the many times when the policies provided by health insurance companies allow customers to get the services that they need in the most affordable manner:
- The U.S. healthcare total expenditure in the year 2015 alone amounted to $3.2 trillion, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
- 32.2% of the national healthcare spending in 2015 went to hospital care.
- 49% of out-of-pocket costs for health care visits were less than $500 in 2017, according to a recent TransUnion Healthcare analysis.
- Between the years 2014 and 2015, spending on prescription drugs increased by approximately 9%.
- 43% of millennials were likely to choose to visit a Primary Care Physician for non-emergency medical treatment, according to a survey from 2015.
- 92% of people want to know their payment responsibility before they visit their doctor when it comes to understanding payment plans and options.
- Healthcare costs, including both out-of-pocket costs and deductibles, have gone up by almost 30% since the year 2015.
- $698.3 billion was spent on physician and clinical services in the U.S. in 2017.
- The average cost for a visit to an Emergency Room is about $1,233.
- One mile of hiking burns an average of more than 500 calories, and adults who do more than seven hours of physical activity a week have a longer life expectancy, so insurance companies are working with their clients to promote healthy lifestyles.
From catastrophic health insurance plans to the more standard services offered by health insurance companies, there are many kinds of policies to consider. For this reason, it can be helpful to have an adviser who can help you understand the best available options and choose the health insurance companies that will serve you best. Health care plans can be confusing, but with the right guidance and research you can find the policies from health insurance companies that can provide you the necessary coverage.
There are many families who find themselves unable to afford the kind of care that they need because the do not have the right insurance. In a time when there are conversations about nationwide health care options and the continuation, expansion, or elimination of the Affordable Care Act, it should come as no surprise that many people have strong opinions about the health care options that are available in the country.
From sleep routines to planning for medical care, parenting is a full time job.