Taking Medication What You Should Know About Opioid Addiction When You Want To Recover

In the United States, millions of Americans suffer from pain. This is understandable because human beings are not immune from any pain or illnesses. However, Americans do have products they can utilize to cease their pain so they can function. Yes, some individuals cannot function because the pain they experience is relentless, serious, and awful. This is where opioids come in. Opioids, by definition are products or medications that are utilized for pain relief. These medications seem like lifesavers, but more than 2 million Americans develop, and are affected by, prescription opioid misuse. Their journey to pain relief leads them to opioid use disorder or opioid dependence. If you’re struggling with opioid drugs, here is what you should know about the addiction if you want to recover.

Opioid Drugs

As mentioned previously, opioid drugs are utilized to help individuals maintain and stop the pain they feel. These opioid drugs can include, but are not limited to, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, and more. These opioid drugs are prescribed to you legally by a medical professional. However, there are opioid drugs that are illegal drugs and are not necessarily used for pain since they are not prescribed by a medical professional. These drugs include heroin and fentanyl.

Some individuals transition from prescription to illegal drugs. This is only a portion of the opioid epidemic. At first, individuals are only instructed to take their prescription opioid drugs for pain, but they take much more than is required. This is because their brain signals to them that they need these drugs in order to survive and thrive. Additionally, individuals build up a tolerance to the opioid drugs their doctor prescribed and need more.

Then, they begin taking illegal opioid drugs. The drugs become their entire world and the only way they can function. The leads us to the other portion of this opioid epidemic, opioid overdose. In fact, a few years ago more than 70,000 Americans died from drug overdoses including opioid drugs. Thus, it is time to recover from opioid drugs.

Opioid Drugs: The Signs Of Dependence

Before discussing treatment, it is important to discuss the signs and symptoms of opioid dependence. There are certain signs that will tell you if you are dependent, or becoming dependent on opioid drugs. Sometimes you will not recognize this behavior as abnormal, but your family members will be able to discern if you’re addicted to opioid drugs. There are many signs but here are some of them:

If you’re experiencing drastic mood changes from happy, to extremely sad, to extremely angry, this is one sign you’re developing a dependence on these drugs.

If you’re nervous, shaky, anxious, or paranoid this is also a sign you’re opioid dependent.

The next sign that you’re dependent on opioid drugs is if you begin to miss appointments, work, classes, or whatnot that you wouldn’t normally forget about.

If you’ve lost interest in activities and hobbies that used to bring you joy, and you’re spending much time alone in isolation, you’re dependent on opioid drugs.

These signs are one of the many reasons why you should get substance abuse treatment.

Opioid Drugs: Treatment

The treatment for opioid drugs is certainly a process. However, you can do this, and also find the ideal treatment for your situation and yourself. Recovery is possible.

In-Patient Treatment: The first form of treatment you can receive is inpatient treatment. If you choose an in-patient treatment facility for addiction, you live there for a certain amount of time. While there, you detox from opioid drugs surrounded by medical professionals.

These medical professionals treat you throughout your opioid withdrawal. They will give you medication that helps the symptoms of withdrawal, since they can be intense. These medications include, but are not limited to, methadone and buprenorphine. These medications act like opioids but do not make you high.

Once you complete your detox, you’ll have to attend counseling and therapy sessions. These help you learn coping mechanisms for when you are back home.

You can also choose from residential treatment and partial in-patient treatment for your addiction, if in-patient treatment isn’t for you.

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